Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I have not written here for a while and a lot has happen in that time. A very sad thing happen on New Years day, my good friend and close work colleague Carole died, aged only 59. On 16th Jan 16 members of staff attended her funeral. It was a very sad day for all. I still can't quite believe I will not see her again. Carole's second grandson was born 4 days after she died. It has been a very hard time for her family and my thoughts are with them. An article about Carole and the 20 years she gave to Westgate was published in the local paper. I will miss her very much.
I was glad I had nearly finished module 2 as I don't think I would had coped.

I have been taking a break from the studying but now feel I need to begin to look at module 3 which starts on 19th Feb. I have not been on First Class or Plone for nearly 2 weeks. I will have many postings to read so I better not leave it to long.

During this break I am hoping to create a web space in First Class. I hope to achieve this during the coming week. For Christmas my brother in-law gave me a website in a box again this is something I hope to create before Module 3 starts.