Thursday, December 28, 2006

LA3_b - ideas from the questions suggested by LF - feedback would be grateful

Was the chosen space suitable for the message and potential audience?
yes - as it was not too big to make it overwhelming for the audience to read. The target audience (LF and researchers) all have Plone VLE.
were there any ethical issues?
yes - not able to put peoples names on Plone unless permission has been granted. putting my school's website as a external link
Did you face any technical challenge
yes - uploading photograph. thankfully i had great support from other researcher and now can add photo (take a look!!) also uploading links and sorting out the presentation of my homepage
i have not written my learning journal for a while as have been very busy with work, family and Christmas. I did write a large reflection on the reading and my general thoughts however it would not upload - was not happy :-( hopefully (fingers crossed) this will upload.
Reflection on the reading for module 2
the tools of online connection - this was very useful and helped me greatly with LA1_b and with meriting three online tools. it was easy to read and clear to understand.
Online Interaction Tools Resource Sheet - this was not as useful as the first reading but did allow me to understand how the online tools work.
overall the reading has greatly contributed to my learning and development for module 2
it also allowed me to develop my ICT terminology and discover new website tools.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

I have received my results from Module one which i am very pleased with. this has now spurred me on with module 2. I have nearly finished LA1 but seem to have too many words I may need to change some of it. I have created a table for LA2 and now need to add my comments to it. Looking at LA2 it states make a new page(Plone) with a movie guide here. I'm not sure what this means.
I'm still having trouble adding a picture of myself to my homepage in plone. I can upload a picture but it is too big. I have tried resizing but it didn't work. I've decided to try taking another one and edit it before saving. lets hope this work.
I emailed my LF about making a web space in FC on Wednesday. She replied saying she was off to a funeral and would email later that day, still haven't heard. Should I email again or go with my instincts?
I think i need to get on further with my LA's so i will write again shortly.
The online tools I have used to communicate with peers at Ultraversity are:

Email - This is fast, easy to use, inexpensive and effective way of delivering a message. A message can be sent to an individual or to several people at the same time.

Blog - Blog is short for web log. It is a journal of comments, thoughts and ideas which is published in chronological order and frequently updated. It can be an effective communication tool for small groups of people to keep in touch with each other.

Instant messaging - It allows members to see who is online. Instant messages are sent in real time making it a faster way to communicate than email. Chats can be between two individuals or with a larger number.

- This is a question and answer tool. An expert answers questions members have on a particular subject.

Bulletin/Discussion boards
- Most are text based online forum or conference where posted comments are published in chronological order. Responses to specific post have a threaded application to allow for comments to be viewed one after each other.

Frappr -It is a 'Friend Mapper' This is a website which shows the locations of members on a map.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

On Friday it was announced on the radio that the schooling system in Suffolk will no longer be three tier. This means in the future I may have to apply for a new job in a new location as there will be no middle schools. Primary schools will be larger as will upper schools so they will need new accommodation as they are not bigger enough at present. I feel we should not have heard this news via the radio and all staff should have been informed of the decision, as it will effect our jobs.

What have i been doing since i last wrote?
Replying to emails in FC from other members.
Decided to re-read Mod 2.
Searched the web for information on VLE.
Continuing to write LA1.
Making a list of online tools I have used.