Saturday, September 30, 2006

I've been very busy this week both at work and at home, with keeping up to date with the conversations on First Class (FC) and deciding on what to include in my first individual learning plan. (ILP) I think I might need to change things as I work through the activities for module 1. With negotiation with my LF I am hoping this is possible. I read in FC that it is a living document. I have been keeping a written diary of the events/meeting at work this week. Next week I will think how to use this in activity 1. I need to keep checking against the Intended learning outcomes(ILO) and level 1 assessment criteria. I think I might need to make more comments in FC. I will try to make more effort but I do find this difficult as I feel people may think my comments are silly.

This week at work I've supported Jill with the new interactive white board in the classroom.
Stayed for 2 hours after work supporting KS1 teachers with writing IEP's.
Had a meeting with KS1/2 about SEN children being entered for Audit in Nov.

30/09/06 Time 23.45

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I've been keeping a daily diary this week of events at work so I can then write up my first activity for module 1 of my degree. I've been finding my way around first class and even talking to people on-line. I've never done that before! I've had some great conversation with Ann. She works in a secondary school as a HLTA and only lives 20 miles down the road. We have also spoken to each other on the phone. I'm still feeling nervous but at the same time I'm enjoying the experience. Ann said I should have ago at downloading a photo of my self into first class so she can see what I look like. I shall have ago at this at the weekend. Its late again! been working on the computer now for 4 hours but still haven't wrote anything for activity 1. It's knowing where to start!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thanks Oli for your message. My Learning facilitator(LF) rang me today (21.09.06)
I'm still feeling a little nervous by it all. I have manged to get into first class and Plone. I'm still unsure about some things but my LF said she wanted me just to absorb everything and not to worry. Not as easy as it may sound. I have been sitting at the computer every night this week for 4/5 hours just trying to work things out. I'm not brilliant using a computer but I'm not bad either. I teach computer studies to a class of 6/7 year old's once a week. I even taught during an Ofsted inspection and got given a good grade for my lesson. Well I'm now going to sit and plan what I need to do for this module before I begin.

Monday, September 18, 2006

I Looked on the ultraversity web page this morning and again this evening but there doesn't seem to be any new information. Has anyone been contacted?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

This is my first time at blogging and I hope I've succeeded?